SUDI is a local non-governmental, non-profit organization with its headquarter in Garissa County. SUDI was registered as an NGO in July 2013 by the Government of Kenya under the NGO Coordination Act 1990. Prior to 2013, SUDI operated as a Community Based Organization since 2011.

SUDI values the local existing potential and resources from the communities and aims at strengthening peace while alleviating poverty among the rural poor, through the use of local resources.

The organization works closely with local authorities including the National and County government ministries, local and international organizations, purposed to contribute to the country’s/counties’ short and long-term development priorities through participatory and sustainable approaches.

SUDI addresses the challenges afflicting the communities particularly the pastoralists who are suffering from the adverse effect of climate change, and to safeguard the rights and wellbeing of the destitute children and women.

SUDI is committed to reducing the vulnerability of the communities with the aim of maximizing their potentiality of contributing to their own development.

Based on the wide-range social, economic and political limitations of country, areas our focuses include peace building, Agriculture and food security, Environmental conservation rehabilitation and restoration, education, health and nutrition projects, water sanitation and hygiene among other interventions that have a positive impact on the lives of communities.


PHONE: +254 722407034